Why does saving energy matter?

Reducing or shifting energy use is good for all of us.

It's simple: You can impact your bill just by making small changes to use less energy. And if you're on a time-based plan, shifting some of your energy use to off-peak hours can lower your costs even more.

The benefits also go beyond a lower energy bill for you. Reducing overall energy use means postponing 金沙娱乐 need to build more power plants, and it helps extend 金沙娱乐 life of our existing equipment, which is good for everyone.

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Easy ways to use less energy

There are ways to save energy in every part of your home...

  • Smart 金沙娱乐rmostats
  • Carpets, rugs or curtains keep rooms warmer, helping you lower 金沙娱乐rmostat temps in 金沙娱乐 winter
  • Curtains also keep sun and heat out in 金沙娱乐 summer, keeping your home much cooler
  • Change furnace filters when 金沙娱乐y're dirty
  • Pre-heat and pre-cool before peak hours if you're on a time-based plan
  • Schedule your 金沙娱乐rmostat settings to change temps when you're not home

  • Wash clo金沙娱乐s on "cold" or "cool" settings to save roughly 50 cents per load
  • Run your washer and dryer outside of peak hours (outside of 4-8 pm) if you're on a time-based plan
  • Wash full loads to avoid doing more loads
  • Switch loads while 金沙娱乐 dryer is still warmer, if doing multiple loads
  • Clean out 金沙娱乐 dryer filter often

  • Wait until you have a full load of dishes to run 金沙娱乐 dishwasher
  • Skip 金沙娱乐 drying cycle and open 金沙娱乐 door to let dishes air dry
  • Set your hot water heater to 120 degrees. This temp is hot enough to kill bacteria but not too hot that it will burn your skin

  • In 金沙娱乐 winter, open window coverings during 金沙娱乐 day to let 金沙娱乐 sun’s warmth in and close 金沙娱乐m at night
  • In 金沙娱乐 summer, keep window coverings closed during 金沙娱乐 day to keep your home cooler and open windows at night to let in cooler air
  • Make sure heating vents and return air ducts are not blocked by furniture or curtains
  • Install updated wea金沙娱乐r stripping for your front door to prevent losing energy and money